“Helping people become their personal best - through healing body, mind, and soul.”


“Helping people become their personal best - through healing body, mind, and soul.” 〰️


The world today is a busy, noisy, stressful, and unpredictable place. It can be difficult to stay healthy and balanced, despite your best efforts. Acupuncture is an ancient eastern healing art, that has been practiced essentially the same way for at least 3000 years. It treats the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. Western medicine, while achieving amazing advances in treating many diseases, doesn’t always provide a lasting solution. While trauma, infection, cancer, and genetic diseases are often successfully treated with medicine or surgery, some illnesses, or just not feeling well, can be more complicated than a single diagnosis with a clear-cut remedy. Complex, chronic, recurrent, or seemingly unrelated physical conditions can often be the result of underlying stress, unhappiness, loneliness, spiritual unrest, environmental toxins, poor sleep, excess or insufficient exercise, lack of time in nature, or poor nutrition. Acupuncture offers a unique method of rebalancing your body’s natural healing power to achieve optimal health and wellness.

The placement of very thin needles into specific points on your body can release blockages in your internal “energy circuits”, to allow the free flow of healing energy throughout your body. Untreated, these blockages can lead to either overheating or depletion, which then allows disease to take root in your body. Smoothly circulating healing energy is why some people never get sick, while others just can’t seem to get well. Some critics have attributed the benefits of acupuncture to the placebo effect, but numerous scientific studies have disproven that hypothesis. Even if the healing is partially due to an expectation of a good result, that belief, in itself, is a powerful force! Just as worrying about symptoms results in suffering, focusing on a positive outcome results in joy. Acupuncture can be used as a wellness tool, with annual or semiannual complete body “tune-ups” to keep your body running smoothly, or as a specific treatment when you are experiencing troublesome pain or illness. I am a medical doctor with a background in traditional medicine, and a passion for wellness. Inner Wellness Acupuncture is here to help you on your journey to living your best life!

Kiiko Matsumoto Acupuncture

There are many styles of Japanese acupuncture. Kiiko Matsumoto Style or KMS acupuncture is a system developed from a fusion of several high-level Japanese masters. KMS acupuncture utilizes a highly refined system of palpation to evaluate, diagnose and assess the effectiveness of a proposed treatment. Palpation is the application of pressure on areas of the body to determine the presence or absence of discomfort as felt and reported by the patient. Such areas are considered ‘positive reflexes’ to the practitioner and are diagnostically significant, offering clues and information about why the patient is not well.

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  •  Acupuncture is a form of therapy that involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points or acupoints, to achieve therapeutic effects. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory (TCM), the human body has 14 meridians that circulate vital energy, or qi, and connect the visceral organs with the extremities. By stimulating acupoints along these meridians, the circulation of qi can be regulated, affecting the organs and body regions and treating diseases.

    While the exact mechanisms and effects of acupuncture are not yet fully understood, modern biomedical research has shown that it has broad and significant effects on regulating inflammation, endogenous opioid release, immune function, and the activities and functions of various organs and systems. When used correctly, acupuncture can bring more benefits than just pain control.

  • KMS acupuncture utilizes a highly refined system of palpation to evaluate, diagnose and assess the effectiveness of a proposed treatment. Palpation is the application of pressure on areas of the body to determine the presence or absence of discomfort as felt and reported by the patient. Such areas are considered ‘positive reflexes’ to the practitioner and are diagnostically significant, offering clues and information about why the patient is not well.

    Because areas of discomfort represent diagnostic information, a KMS practitioner uses palpation to create a sort of map of the patient’s weaknesses and imbalances. These ‘reflex areas’ are then compared against the patient’s primary complaints and health history, to determine the most effective treatment strategy. Then points are chosen and validated through palpation and symptom relief. Needles are placed only after each point is verified. It is incumbent upon me as the practitioner to ensure that each point is doing something physiologically positive. Patients can expect to feel results in real time. Through the skillful choice of the appropriate acupuncture points, the points provide ‘information’ to the body to allow it to heal itself. Releasing reflex areas and presenting symptoms restores the body to physiological balance. The advantage of a palpation-based system is that both the patient and the practitioner are aware when an area of discomfort or symptoms are being improved by the treatment. This is not the case with the acupuncture style that is taught at most schools of acupuncture in the United States.

  • During your first appointment, your acupuncturist will talk to you about your condition. Then, they’ll examine your body for areas that’ll react to acupuncture. Your acupuncturist will tap the needles into points in your skin throughout your body.

    The acupuncture needles are sterile, disposable, and as thin as human hair. Your acupuncturist inserts needles at various depths, from a fraction of an inch to a couple of inches. The needles stay in for a few minutes or as long as 20 minutes.

  • You may feel a small prick with each needle. It’s less painful than the feeling when you get a vaccine or blood draw. Acupuncture needles are much thinner than medical needles. And they’re solid, not hollow.

    The needles may cause some muscle sensations, such as dull aches or tingling. Your practitioner will ask you to report when you feel a deep heaviness or numbness. Those sensations usually mean the treatment is working.

  • Acupuncture has a calming effect, so you may want to get a ride home from your appointments — especially the first one. If that’s not possible, try to rest for 5 to 10 minutes before you drive. Your practitioner may suggest that you take it easy for a day or two after each session.

  • Acupuncture benefits include relief from long-term (chronic) pain and other health conditions. Many people use acupuncture to relieve pain throughout their body, including for migraines, back pain, and arthritis. Studies have also shown that acupuncture may be a successful treatment option for a variety of conditions, including immune system issues, infertility, and the effects of menopause.


  • I came in to see Dr. Daly/Diane under very stressed conditions and got the relief I needed. She showed a great bedside manner and I walked away relieved and one step closer to balanced. Highly recommend

    Paul Johnson

  • I admit I was a little skeptical about trying this treatment. Within a few minutes of starting the session I became aware of just how many small, seemingly unnoticed sore spots my body had and I was shocked at how one painless needle poke in one part of the body could immediately release tension and tenderness in another. I specifically was impressed when she addressed a spot on my back that has been painful since childhood. Both physicians and chiropractors said nothing really could be done for it. This has been an ongoing problem and was always painful to touch. However, after only one acupuncture treatment I can honestly say nearly all of that sensitivity is gone even weeks later. I am so grateful to have tried this treatment even with my hesitations and I felt the positive effects immediately and long term after just the one session.

    Mary Kohrman

  • I went in not expecting to feel different in any way and I wasn’t aware of any issues. After Diane assessed me and checked all my areas for pain, she was able to see where I was stuck and she was able to unblock a lot of suppressed energy. I felt better during the treatment, even better after, and even more so the following day. I would definitely go back to her for tune ups or if I was feeling discomfort!

    Sarah Sauerteig